Library users:

  1. In-campus researchers
    1. Pupils/students of Maryhill College with library card or borrowers card
    2. Faculty members of Maryhill College with borrowers card
    3. Administrators of Maryhill College with borrowers card
    4. Alumni of Maryhill College with valid alumni ID
    5. Students, faculty members, other researchers from other institutions with valid ID and referral letter from the librarian of the institution where they come from.

Borrowing Procedures:

 On Reserved Books and Circulation  Books:

  1. Borrower’s card must be presented in borrowing reserved and circulation books.
  2. Borrowing of reserved books is from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. and must be returned in the following morning at 9:00 a.m.
  3. Circulation books are borrowed anytime of the day and can be returned after two days at any specific time.

On Fiction Books:

    1. Borrower’s card is also use in borrowing home reading books which is good for one week. Students/pupils are allowed to borrow one fiction at a time.
    2. This book maybe renewed for another one week.


    1. Periodicals should be read inside the library only.

On General References:

    1. Reference materials must be returned to their proper places.
    2. Reference materials like encyclopedia, dictionaries and others should be use inside the library only.

General Rules:

  1. Observe silence. Idle conversation, loud laughter and other unnecessary noise must be avoided. Longer discussions are to be carried on outside the library.
  2. In order not to disturbed other library patrons, such activities as running around, playing  and littering are strictly prohibited to students and pupils.
  3. Do not disarrange the furniture.
  4. Handle books and other library materials with care. Leaning, writing, tampering, and mutilating of library materials are strictly prohibited. Anyone found guilty of such act will be subject to disciplinary action.
  5. Leave your bags, folders, envelopes, owned book outside the library.
  6. A fine of one peso (Php1.00) for each day overdue excluding Saturdays and holidays is charged for each book.
  7. Courtesy must be practiced in the library especially when borrowing and/or returning books and other library materials.
  8. A library clearance is required to all students at the end of the school year.
  9. If a borrower loses a book he/she shall replace it with the same title and author or shall pay with an additional 20% of the original cost, in order to cover the expenses of preparing the book for circulation.
  10. Classes no matter how small are not allowed in the library.
  11. Borrowing privileges must be done personally and not by anybody.
  12. A book may be renewed if it has not been reserved by another reader. Books for renewal must be brought to the library for updating the due date.
  13. Violation of the above rules and regulations will not be excused on the plea of ignorance.

Proper Behavior inside the Library:

  1. Avoid talking aloud so as not to disturb others. If necessary talk in whisper.
  2. Smoking, eating, and sleeping are strictly prohibited.
  3. Avoid loitering around the premises and refrain from disturbing your neighbor.
  4. Do not trace or cut out pictures in the books or magazines.
  5. Avoid tearing the pages of a book; it would be most unfair to the other students.
  6. Do not rock the chairs and refrain from defacing tables, chairs, walls, and other equipment.
  7. Return the library materials prints and non-prints to their proper places.
  8. Practice courtesy and consideration when borrowing and returning books and wait for your turn.


A borrower’s card and a 1×1 picture are required for every transaction in the library for the new teachers.


  1. Books that are in demand shall be returned after two days.
  2. Teachers are not allowed to request student to borrow books for them. They shall borrow on their own and will sign the book card.
  3. Teachers/Personnel who have children studying here at MC should not borrow books for their children. Students should borrow and return the book by themselves.
  4. Lost books borrowed by teachers/personnel should be paid for according to cost stated in the acquisition book with 20% additional increase, or maybe replaced with same book.
  5. Some of the periodicals/magazines are for Room Use Only.
  6. All borrowed books and other materials used as added reference for instruction shall be returned before the end of school year for inventory purposes.
  7. Any loss and/or damage of the item/equipment borrowed by the teachers/personnel shall be their accountability.
  8. A library clearance is required to all teachers/personnel before the end of school year.
  9. Teachers/Personnel who are going to retire or resigned before the end of school year will also be required to have a library clearance.


  1. Teachers shall make an early reservation at least one week before the activity on the use of the Library and Multi-Media Center. First come-first served policy will be followed.
  2. Multi-Media Center may not be used for conducting regular classes.
  3. Subject teacher shall accompany his/her pupils/students at the MMC while viewing.
  4. Pupils/Students shall be reminded to respect the property of the school and avoid vandalism.
  5. Teachers shall indicate the materials and equipment to be used at the MMC.
  6. Schedule for class film viewing or use of MMC/VR for other purposes is submitted to the Head Librarian for proper coordination. A Library form No. 16/17 will be used for reservation. Two copies of the said form shall be used and submitted in the library for proper recording.
  7. Students are not allowed to operate any equipment at the MMC.
  8. Maps, posters, globes are available to the teachers for their classroom use provided that these materials are returned after class hour.
  9. In using the library for research, the teacher shall accompany his/her class during research time.
  10. Teachers shall indicate topics to be researched to enable the Library personnel to prepare the books and other materials.
  11. Teachers shall avoid sending pupils/students with no assignments in the library as agreed in the Principal’s Council Meeting.
  12. Teachers shall send a note to the librarian if a pupil/student will take special exam in the library.


  1.  Only personal belongings of reasonable size maybe brought inside the e-library.
  2. The internet connection at the e-Library is intended for academic research only. The following acts are prohibited: social networking, online chatting, downloading apps and playing game apps, viewing TV programs, internet shopping, and access of pornographic websites. Any violations will result in the cancellation of privileges in using the e-Library
  3. Pertinent provisions on Library decorum apply at the e-Library.  The following acts are also prohibited: drinking/eating, vandalism, shouting, swearing (bad words).
  4. Students will be assigned to use a specific tablet. No one is allowed to use a tablet other than the one assigned to him/her.
  5. The tablets should be used properly. Any malfunction or damage must be duly reported to the Librarian or Teacher-in-charge. If damage is caused by improper handling, students will be charged for the cost of the damage accordingly.
  6. The settings of the tablets must not be changed, e.g. wallpapers, passwords, and other configurations. No permanent markings may be placed on the tablet or its protective case.


  1. Requirements:
  • School/Office ID ( to be presented to the Security Officer)
  • Official referral letter signed by the Chief Librarian, Office or Project Director of the office concerned
  • A fee shall be collected from each visiting researcher as follows:
  1. Undergraduate student 00
  2. High school student 00
  3. Procedures:
  • Present referral letter to the Librarian in-charge of the circulation
  • Pay research fee and receipt will be issued by the Librarian in-charge
  • Give the school ID to the Librarian in-charge
  1. Restrictions:
  • Researchers must observe the library rules and regulations.
  • Use of library facilities excludes to Educational Media Services and Electronic Resource Services
  • Only five (5) individual researchers shall be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • If the researchers are accompanied by their Subject teachers, they are required to have a letter of intent five days (5) before their schedule.
  • All materials are for Room Use Only.
  • Visiting researchers will not be accommodated one week before and during examination week, term breaks and every Saturday.
  • The Library reserves the right to cancel requests when it is deemed necessary.
  1. Library Visiting Hours:
  • Monday – Friday 4:00-5:30 p.m.
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